Friday, April 27, 2012

Long hair Chihuahua or Short hair?

I'm thinking of getting a chihuahua. My cousin has a short hair so I have some experience with them, but I don't want to get the same dog.

What do you prefer and what are the pros and cons?

Long hair Chihuahua or Short hair?

long haired

Long hair Chihuahua or Short hair?

Long haired chihuahuas tend to have more care because their fur needs to be brushed. And they tend to shed more. Short haired chihuahuas don't need much care for their fur.

But i luv both types!!

Ans p.s= Long haired chihuahuas also get lots of things in their fur when outside.

Long hair Chihuahua or Short hair?

Check out what's available in your area:

You may just fall in love without needing to decide what type of fur your dog should have =]

Long hair Chihuahua or Short hair?

short haired because they are easier to groom and smaller

Long hair Chihuahua or Short hair?

I have a long haired my self. To me he is just a goofy clumsy dog. I guess it doesn't matter what you get just as long as it clicks with you.

Long hair Chihuahua or Short hair?

the long haired and the short haired chihuahua are THE SAME DOG...

the ONLY difference is the lenght of the hair.

short hiareds are NOT smaller...

longhiareds dont have any difference in personality or size they are the same breed, the same dog...

and grooming is EASY...i run a comb through each of mine once a week their coats are gorgeous.

and which you choose shoudl be based on personal desicion.

Personally i have and prefer the look of longhaired chihuahuas, they tend to look "softer" a little "sweeter"

Coat upkeep is very simple and essentially the same as short haired, the only difference being the hair around the anus feet and in the ears tends to need clipping.

Bathe once a month and comb through the "feathers" once or twice a week depending on your dog.

Long hiareds tend to shed LESS than short haired.

Long haireds tend to be more expensive than short haired (long is resessive)

personality wise its the same breed...

pros of long:

i prefer the look of longhaireds

shed less


its a little more grooming

people dont think there chihuahuas cause there not used to seeing chis with long hair around here.

the coat takes 3 years to grow in completly.

pros of short:

VERY easy grooming

everyone knows its a chihuahua


shed a little more

BOTH long and short haired need a sweater in the winter!remember chihuahuas come in soooo many different colours (every colour is acepted by the AKC) that no 2 chis are the same.

and please, be VERY carefull choosing your breeder, remember some key points

theres no such thing as "teacups"

theres no "rare" colours.

and familiarize yourself with how to figure out if your breeder is a good one and familiarize yourself with what a show quality chihuahua should look like...there are lots of bybs out there in this breed...

especially "deer head" chihuahuas these are badly bred none standard chis, the taco bell dog NOT standard...the hiltons tinkerbell and bambi, NOT standard...

good luck!

Long hair Chihuahua or Short hair?

I'd prefer short hair because their low maintenance, compared to short hair chis.

Long hair Chihuahua or Short hair?

I love both breeds, the long haired, and short. But, the one I rescued was a long haired. She had a very good temperament, good with kids, didn't bark, and was just beautiful. I am sure the same can be said for the short haired. I am just talking from my own experience. When I was in an accident, and stayed with my daughter, she was the only one my daughter would let come to her house. She stayed right by my side. I vote for the long haired. But like others have said, you will know what dog to get when you see them. They will pick you, as much as you pick them. I wish you the best.

Long hair Chihuahua or Short hair?

I have long and short haired chis and they are all wonderful. I do find that most of the long haireds I have had are a little shyer, a little quieter. The long haireds do require more brushing but they shed less so there is less mess from that. They are all smart, cute, loving, loveable, wonderful, wonderful little dogs. I prefer them to any other breed. Having owned them over 30 yr I have lots of experience with them. They cheer me up when I am feeling down. They wash away my tears when I am sad. They are always there for me no matter what. I will always have chihuahuas as long as I can care for them. Just love them and they will love you back tenfold.

Long hair Chihuahua or Short hair?

It's a trade off. You can't win. If you get a short haired chihuahua they'll always be cold and their skin will get really dry so your stuck buying clothes and special shampoos. If you get a long haired Chihuahua you have to groom them often. I have a short haired. I'm happy with her for the most part.

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