Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

What do you think of this type of hair?

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

I love it on a girl it is very sexy! I love playing with long hair and think girls look amazing with it to.

Shame not many have long hair any more.

Blokes with long hair not many can pull this look off so I would advise against it.

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?


Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

me. sexy.

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

thats cool, thats how i want my hair to be like but my hair is sucha fuss so i have to straighten it also have to wait awhile for it to grow

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

I think it's pretty cool.

it would be boring if everyone had the same style.

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

its a ***** to have and keep nice but id feel weird if i cut it all off.

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

no i like long hair but not that long

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

Sounds beautiful. Keep growing it.

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

I personally don't like long hair att all. It annoys me when people keep flicking it out the way. If it's an annoyance cut it off.

But if I did have long hair i'd get it shaped to give it more body

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

nope,it's gonna be in my way all the time,especially when it's this hot,i'm gonna get so frustated at it,i would cut it

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

I do if its clean

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

I love long hair!! I had my hair up to my waist but cut it three months ago to donate it to Locks of Love!

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

have you ever been to Hawaii because most of the Hawaiian shows contain female dancers with long hair and they look teriffic but don't forget it takes a lot of work to keep it that way

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

my hair goes down to the back of my knee. but i keep it in a braid all the time.

they call me tomb raider!

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

no it has to be cut and feathered for me its more fashionable and completes a look

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

thats pretty long! if the person pulls it off well then its great

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

I envy people with really long hair, as long as it is kept clean, shiny and brushed - there's nothing worse than seeing long hair all tangled and uncombed.

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

i lov long hair!!

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

if you can keep it so that it looks clean and healthy go for it but i see alot of people with hair like that and it looks scraggly and greasy and unbrushed and it just looks bad

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

tooo boring if ur not guna style it? ide tong it and glam it up!!!

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

I think it's cool except the fact that it takes longer to wash and it's harder to brush.

I was amazed when i cut my long hair, it was so much quicker to wash.

I think either shoulder length hair or just above rib length hair is cool.

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

no movement or texture. its very boring

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

I do but I could never pull it off lol.


Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

crazy...kinda amish

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?


Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

my hair's like that! long and curly, not very easy to look after, but very good for many different styles! can do loads with it!

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

I love hair that way I am trying my best to get my hair that way ! My hair is to the middle of my back ! I wish my hair will grow that long real fast!

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?


Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?


Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

hair that long is just sinister on anyone over the age of 7, its grose.

Who likes long hair, not cut or feathered or styled in anyway, just hair down to the waiste?

It's not bad. I don't think everyone can pull it off.

I prefer layers, but that's just my personal taste.

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