Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

I have red hair that falls just past my bum. Most people say it's my best feature, but my two closest guy friends are always telling me to cut it off. Are they just being weird, or are they represenative of what most guys think? Please be honest--I promise not to be offended.

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

your question is like asking someone what the best flavour of icecream is.....

of course - we all have our own personal preference

and for the long/short thing - you need to do what YOU feel comfortable with

who cares what others think if you are not comfortable in your own skin or hair????

Do what makes you feel comfortable and sweetie, soon enough, when it is right, the right guy will come along and he will love you for you - not how long or short your hair is

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

if u have red hair and it is past ur bun then u need to cut it a past the bun looks like savage hair..

at least cut it to your rib cage..or stomach...

plus it is red, its scary to see that much red...

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

yeah its too long ... maybe down to the sternum and below the breasts or a little longer is good ... or just below the shoulder blades is good.

At least make sure you cut it, I like long hair, but not quite that long.

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

No way, I love long hair

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

Long hair is not a turn-off, but I agree with your friends. You should make it shorter. Your hair really doesn't need to be any longer than where your shoulder blades end. God bless.

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

Honey,,,if your hair is red and that long, I think it is very sexy,,,I love red hair and long to run my fingers through your sexy long red hair.....

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

Not at all. Short hair is actually a more confident style, and more likely to intimidate.

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

Your two best friends are just jealous.

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

it might be a little too long and if you cut some off im sure it will still be your best feature.

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

WOW! Cut your hair! guys don't like hair when it is a million miles too long like that!

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

A guy will either really like your long hair or he will hate it.

I would trim it down a little bit so it isn't SO long.

I mean don't chop it off to your shoulders but maybe take it up to your mid-back.

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

I like long hair but i think hair to your butt may be a little to long for me...what is important though is what you like...if you like long hair down to your butt then keep it...i'm sure it's beautiful

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

It has been my experience that most guys like long hair. Have you not noticed that most models and pinup girls, actresses etc, have hair to their shoulders and longer. Not all of them but most of them do.

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

DON'T touch your hair ...long is fantastic ... sooo hot and sexy , your guy friends are just jealous ... be proud of you beautiful hair I know my lady is of hers (past her bum)

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

it just depends on the guy my husband prefer my hair as long as it can get and mines almost to my knees

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

Absolutely Not. I love long hair on women. The longer the better. It being red is a real turn on. I think your friends are jealous.

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

No keep it like that. Guys love long hair. When you get ready to date seriously he can have a lot of fun with it. so can you. Lady Godiva ring any bells?

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

No, I like long hair too.

Good luck

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

Don't cut your hair unless you want too, most men I know love long hair, so I don't know what your friends are talking about unless you mentioned that you wanted to cut it.

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

not depends on the guys....there are guys who love short hair and some likes long if you want to be in between cut your hair not that long but not that safe!

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

they are being insensitive jerks! if you are comfortable with your looks then pooey on them. from what I've learned, guys love long hair.

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

your hair sounds sexy, but it's hard to tell without seeing. may it's just really too long, and make you to look wierd. or may be you just look sexy, and your friends just get jealous. dk

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

Try these hair styles to make it 'look' shorter without cutting it

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

The real question would be weather you like it long or not. Some men love long hair. Other like short hair. If you have trouble taking care of it, then cut it. Otherwise, ask yourself if you want to cut your hair just because they say to.

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

Cut it

ur friends asked u to cut it means its doesn't suit you

cut it and get a new look u cant keep it long for forever

u need some change and u will like the new u trust me

i had a long hair for long time and when i cut it off real short- to my chin- i felt like a completely new girl

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

yes and no.

women with long hair are beautiful and sexy.

women with short hair are cute and feisty.

my opinion, like short haired girls better.

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

most guys love a girl with long hair

i only suggest that you bring it up to like mid back thats easier to manage and not as long

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

no i dont find long hair intimidating --- i rather like it --- have fun

Is long hair intimidating to guys?

I fell absolutely head over heels in love with my wife when I first saw her with her beautiful long flowing brown hair. Thats not the only thing I fell in love with her, for but it was definately the first thing I noticed about her. I don't know if I have ever seen a redhead with hair that long, but I'll bet it is beautiful! Don't worry about those other guys, if you think it looks nice, thats all that matters.

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