Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Women with short hair...sexier then long hair?

Im 5'5 and thin. I thought that framing my face with short hair would look nice. Just wondering what people think of women with short hair, sexy or unfeminine?

Women with short hair...sexier then long hair?

I think you are a sweet and beautiful girl no matter what your hair looks like. I think your attitude and your personality make you attractive and your hair also looks very good.

Women with short hair...sexier then long hair?

both short and long hair is feminine if YOU can pull it off


I've had both. And I've had compliments for when I wore my hair BOTH ways. It's been down to my knees.. and it's been as short as a bob (to the ears..).. and even shorter by making it shaggy like a guy's with neon colors in it.. ^_^

Women with short hair...sexier then long hair?

People with long hair are defiantly sexier but short hair makes a girl look interesting and intelligent

Women with short hair...sexier then long hair?

Long hair, definitelly! I have gone many lengths and have gotten more complements on the long hair. Since you are 5'5, long hair can make you look short so go for medium length. Yes, if not done carefully, short hair can make you look masculine.

Women with short hair...sexier then long hair?

i don't think short hair is unfeminine at all. It can be very sexy when it frames your face. If you are petite, short hair looks very nice. I think both styles are sexy and you should take a chance. It might look amazing and you will be so happy that you tried something new.

Women with short hair...sexier then long hair?

Sexy is more of a demeanor , it's more than just how you look. Think sexy. Be sexy.

Women with short hair...sexier then long hair?

women with longer hair are sexy

Women with short hair...sexier then long hair?

i dont think shor hair is that gud.

i dont approve of that.

it makes u unfemenine 4 sure.

it makes u vulgar.

long hair is gud.

the longer the better!

Women with short hair...sexier then long hair?

Honey if you have the face for it, go for it. I think its beautiful on certain faces.

My daughter just turned 50 and has worn hers in a cute short cut for years.

In her youth it was beautiful, long and layered.

I cannot picture her now with that hair. She is a married career woman, 5'8" and thin, with no children (not by choice ) 4 dogs, %26amp; a big house and she is ready to go all the time and her hair is so attractive.

You must give your cut time to train %26amp; adjust before you will really like it ( Ithink ).

Good luck to you !! ~~~~jill

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