Wednesday, May 2, 2012

If i leave my hair long should i get some highlights or is that to gay?

don't know what to do to my hair, i don't really like it, but everyone likes it longer, should i get some highlights in it or something?

If i leave my hair long should i get some highlights or is that to gay?

Well, I think highlights on a guy is a little questionable. But I live in the mid-west. Guys usually don't do that around here. One of my friends just moved to Vegas and got them there and he's getting great feedback (not from his friends here), but keep in mind his hair is short.

The great thing about color is you can change it. If you hate it or it looks to gay you can always change it.

Besides, if you don't like your hair long then cut it. I think men look best in short hair styles. People may just say they like it best because that's what they are familiar with.

If i leave my hair long should i get some highlights or is that to gay?

It wont look gay, if your trying to attract a woman

If i leave my hair long should i get some highlights or is that to gay?

yes you shold

If i leave my hair long should i get some highlights or is that to gay?

if it is past your shoulders, or better yet your chin than its too long... no highlights, one color

If i leave my hair long should i get some highlights or is that to gay?

im sorry. That is too gay.

If i leave my hair long should i get some highlights or is that to gay?

Metrosexualism is in. Go for it! Just don't get a gay look

If i leave my hair long should i get some highlights or is that to gay?

The style that is SO IN is the layers or shag look. But dont let your top layer get above your eyes. Let your top layer accent your best feature! I have the same prblem - everybody likes the long hair, so I got it layered and now everybody loves it! And I do too!

If i leave my hair long should i get some highlights or is that to gay?

No but keep them light

If i leave my hair long should i get some highlights or is that to gay?

no that not gay, go head and do the thing!

If i leave my hair long should i get some highlights or is that to gay?

well no it wouldn't look gay but why are you doing what everyone else want?

If i leave my hair long should i get some highlights or is that to gay?

Do whatever you want that is all that matters i mean its your hair and your body so you do want u want

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