Saturday, May 5, 2012

Have had my long hair cut & now I have bangs?

I finally broke down %26amp; had my hair layerd %26amp; cut shoulder length with bangs. I have never had bangs at least that I can remember. OMG help! They are either straight flat %26amp; stuck to my forehead or when I blow them dry they pouff out like I am stuck in the 80's. Pointers? They are just barely below my eyebrows and cut pretty much straight across.

Can anyone give this bang virgin some styling tips? Like when drying should I part it and blowdry off to the side? Should I be pulling them forward like towards my nose (which usually results in both sides point in %26amp; the middle straightdown...uggh) If I am blowing it to the side (I like the side bang look) how should I hold the brush...toward my ear, crown or nose? Curling iron or straight iron? Curl them up down sideways? Products? I have some Pomade %26amp; Hair Wax but I don't know how to use them ends up looking wet %26amp; sticky %26amp; usually standing on end.....then I am back into the 80's again. Yes, I know I need LOTS of help. Thanks!

Have had my long hair cut %26amp; now I have bangs?

Try a velcro roller on dry hair. I have stick straight (what i call "Marcia Brady" ) hair. I keep it all straight, but need to use a roller in my bangs for a few minutes in the morning to get them to gently curl under a wee bit. Otherwise they're like a broom or look like Barbie's little sister, Skipper. lol.

So yeah, a medium size velcro roller just on the bangs, when dry, spritz with hairspray if needed. it won't give any curl per se, but just enough "turn under".

Anything with heat and bingo - 80's bangs. Even a round brush with a dryer gives too much.

FYI - my stylist suggests no more sideswept bangs. Straight across and "deep" bangs are the next thing and sideswept ones will soon look dated.

Have had my long hair cut %26amp; now I have bangs?

you're a dumb douchebag! Report It

Have had my long hair cut %26amp; now I have bangs?

You need products. Use mousse or hair gel to get them to stay where you want. You can wear em to the side, straight or pouffy! (I like Got2B Glued) Just have fun!

Have had my long hair cut %26amp; now I have bangs?

I just got bangs too! This is my tip. OK if you don't have a straightener go get one. It works trust me. Take your bangs and hold them straight up.curl them with the straightener. take a round brush and curl them like you did with the straightener. and then style them. It really works and makes your bangs really soft. Hope it works!Peace!

Have had my long hair cut %26amp; now I have bangs?

I useed to have bangs. They were a nightmare for that. I just waited for it to grow out.

Have had my long hair cut %26amp; now I have bangs?

Ive Got Full Bangs Too,My Tip Is Straighten your bangs down straight , Or use a curling brush and curl your hair under x

Good Luckx

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