Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Do nerds usually have long hair or short hair?

I wan't short hair, but i'm to shy to get it, and i've spent ages growing my hair. I want nerdy short hair to express who i am, any ideas?

Do nerds usually have long hair or short hair?


DONT DO IT!!! It took you a long time to grow your hair... Keep it that way!!! You can always cut it off..but it will take you years to grow it back


Do nerds usually have long hair or short hair?

that is such a steriotypical question, don't classify yourself just because your smarter than everyone else make your hair anyway you want

Do nerds usually have long hair or short hair?

I like my hair to be medium length. It doesn't tell to much about me but I can put it up when it gets annoying and still show it off.

Do nerds usually have long hair or short hair?

Nerds don't have a perticular type of hair. You can't just say someone's a nerd because they look some way. My friend Jen is REALLY SMART, and she's short, stick straight blonde hair, and the most popular guy in the school wants to go out with her. My other friend Brooke is really smart, and she's tall, and got wonderful think, dark hair that naturally curls perfectly at the ends.

Do nerds usually have long hair or short hair?

Most have short hair, I think, but haircut is not necessary. One thing, though, If you do cut off your hair, and it is more than 10 inches long, consider donating it to Locks of Love.

Do nerds usually have long hair or short hair?

haha nerdy short hair sry thats fune but you should try to be a hott nerd and wear it long...or ne way you want it, wear it w/ pride N if you feel you w/ it then its PERFECT.

google short hair pics for pic results.

Good Luck

Do nerds usually have long hair or short hair?

If you want your hair short, go for it. Its easier to style, and takes less time, but i don't suggest doing it if your really attached to your long hair. I just recently got my hair cut short, and its bittersweet. I like that it only takes 5 min to do, but i really miss my hair :( Just balance out the negatives and positives, then make your decision. Don't rush!

Good luck :)

Do nerds usually have long hair or short hair?

Nerds usually have short hair. Long hair is beautiful. You can always cut it if you make up your mind to, but if you cut it you can really REGRET it. It takes a while to grow it back.

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