Saturday, May 5, 2012

Do girls like long hair for men?

I've heard from several people that I should grow my hair out (it would look good they say), especially from my g/f who thinks it would be cute and would give her something to play with. I normally wouldn't mind doing something like that for her but if I ever asked her to do something with her hair (like dye it darker) she would definitely object. Do you think I shouldn't give into her wish since she won't give into mine? I guess this question is more abstract than I thought..

Do girls like long hair for men?


Do girls like long hair for men?

eww that is ugly

Do girls like long hair for men?

Do what YOU want to do!

Btw,long hair on guys is very cute!(As long as it is kept clean and combed,of course.)

Do girls like long hair for men?

i would say 3 inches is the limit

Do girls like long hair for men?

think about it, if u grow your hair long it would look great i think but if u dont like it you can cut it BUT ur if ur gf dyes her hair black she cant change it, its diffrent...

Do girls like long hair for men?

If your a teen like i am a teen girl and if they have long hair and they are skaters that's just HOT...

but for other girls you just have to know their type too know

Do girls like long hair for men?

You should get your hair a little long but not too much. Having average sized hair looks good! Just don't worry about it.

Do girls like long hair for men?

well dont have long hair if u dont want to. Dont do it for ur gf. I like long hair in few guys, depends on the guy. Some guys suit it while some don't. If u have long hair, make sure u maintain it and when guys wid long hair put ponytail i find it really cute, makes me wanna squeeze their cheeks lol. Anywayz, I wud just say that u can try sumthin new by having long hair for urself but not for sum1 else. If u dont like it cut it back. If u like it keep it. Hope I helped.

Do girls like long hair for men?

long hair on younger guys is o.k. but when I see a guy in his late thirtys or so with long hair I think "loser".

Do girls like long hair for men?

Change is fun..I've always liked long hair on men..providing it was kept clean.You do this for yourself if you want to..don't expect anyone to make a drastic change like that for you if they don't want to.

Do girls like long hair for men?

no no no no

Do girls like long hair for men?


i've always liked guys with short and trimmed hair, because it makes you guys look younger

and i've known lots of other girls that think that way too

you can't go wrong with short hair

how about getting layers? my best friend had layers in his short hair once, and it looked fantastic!

Do girls like long hair for men?

Some guys look good with long hair as long as it is taken care of my husband just turned 48 and his hair is beatuiful and I am jealous at times my hair I can sit on it but it is straight. His is almost to his waist and curly, wavy what ever. He's a coal miner by trade and I fix his hair every evening before he leaves for work. But remember it too is work to take care of............ so do what makes you happy sign Cheif Big hairs o'l lady

Do girls like long hair for men?

it depends on the kind of hair you have. for ex. i like it when the guys have wavy light brown hair and its kinda long and messy. i dont like it, however, when they have long straight blond hair that is greasy and gross

Do girls like long hair for men?

I think you will find that your hair is not what your girl friend is actually looking at.

Let me tell you, I think looking as Masculine as possible, but showing her your sensitively in private is very important. It gives her a sense of security, and yet you are attentive to her needs.

Trust me, I don't think hair will impress her....Women don't look at hair. You know there are some women out there that actually think bold men are real sexy. I can not understand why, but food for thought. Let me tell you something. What ever you are comfortable with is what you should do. Frankly I think Tattoos, Belly, tongue, nose, nipple, and ear piercings have gone way too far with the Gothic look. Immediately I start thinking of the end times.

Do girls like long hair for men?

I love long hair on guys my younger brother has long hair and he is adorable.......i say yes do it for your girlfriend you won't regret it and it's not like it's permanant if you don't like it you can always cut it......

Do girls like long hair for men?

short or a little length but long hair on guys, yuk

Do girls like long hair for men?

Its your decision and i think we cant help. Personally i dont like long hair for men.

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