Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Girls with long hair or short?

What do you think looks better?

My little sister has hair up to her bottom (she's never cut it in her whole life o_O).

My hair, on the other hand, is shoulder length, with straight bangs.

I'm 14, with olive skin. What would look best on me (mom says to grow it D:).

Girls with long hair or short?

Okay. heres my opinion.

Hair that goes under ur cheast area or mid way is a good length. It depends was bangs u have, if u have full bangs that can look very cute but it can also look really cute with side bangs. I have full bangs and hair a lil longer then my shoulders and i'm ur age. Also depends on your height, if ur one of teh shorter ones ur gna want to have shorter hair cuz longer makes ur body look shorter than it is.. short hair makes ur body apear taller. and the other way around to taller kids.

hope that helped!


Girls with long hair or short?

keep it the length you have it, or a tiny bit longer

long, long hair isnt attractive

Girls with long hair or short?

Short hair is wayy better.

Girls with long hair or short?

well i think u should grow it bout 2 more inches n definitely let ur bangs grow out then when they r long cut them looks very pretty

Girls with long hair or short?

i'm starting to think that long hair can be really pretty and is great if you don't have time to do much with it. i wouldn't grow yours out longer than halfway down your back, tho. but then again, it depends on the person. any pics?

Girls with long hair or short?

I dont depeneds on what your face looks like.

Girls with long hair or short?

Grow it!!! Long hair is always hotter!! But make sure you get a trim like every month, because split ends will make your hair take longer to grow.

Girls with long hair or short?

Maybe get it a little bit longer, but no offense to your sis, but i think hair as long as she has it needs to be cut! she should think about donating it to locks of love.

Girls with long hair or short?

Well,, that depends on you. I had longer hair until last week.. I cut it... Now? I am growing it out.

I grow cut, grow , cut! In that order!!!!!!!!

Now,, if her hair is to her bottom w/ no layers or shape?? then I say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, get rid of 1/2 of it!!!!! Lighten up!

For example look at Halle Berry:

She has longer hair now,,,,,,,but to me,,,,,,,,,when she had shorter hair,,,,,,,She was a knock out beauty.

some people look better w/ longer hair, and some w/ shorter,, but you have to change it up a bit,, and get your families advice on what they like on you.. mine likes me to wear it longer .......but............I say: Come and blow dry it every other day for me and you have a deal!!!!!!! lol.

Girls with long hair or short?

i like long hair but if u have unhealthy hair u have to cut it cz for me i would prefer to have a healthy hair rather than long hair

Girls with long hair or short?

yeah i think letting your hair grow out and then get it layered starting at your ear

this is a pic of what im talking about

you could get it cut now but then let it grow out

it will look hot !!! lol

Girls with long hair or short?

I would say to grow it out to a little beneath your shoulders and get side sweep bangs.

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