Saturday, May 5, 2012

Men with long hair?

what do you think of men with shoulder length hair

Men with long hair?

clean and well groomed, okay. pony tails look stupid!!

Men with long hair?


Men with long hair?

Not cute. (Most of the time!)

Men with long hair?


gag me with a spoon..

unless they're johnny depp :)

Men with long hair?


Men with long hair?

A good deal of men are very attractive with longer hair.

Men with long hair?

yuck. it looks stupid to me.

Men with long hair?

Nothing wrong with it as long as it is kept clean and groomed. It works well for some guys and not so well for others.

Men with long hair?

Don't consider shoulder too long.

Men with long hair?

keep it neat . its ok , but not very professional...depending on what you do...

Men with long hair?

not very clean o_O

Men with long hair?

My husband has shoulder length hair and I love it!!! I prefer men with longer hair.

Men with long hair?

usually quite ickish :oP

Men with long hair?

Very interesting people! They r so awesome!

Men with long hair?

thats a little to long nomally, but sometimes it looks good, just cut it a little, not too much

Men with long hair?

shoulder lengenth is way too long i have long hair for a guy and it's in the middle of my face thats as long as i'll go.....we're talking about hair right that came out wrong

Men with long hair?


unless your a girl

cut it

Men with long hair?

I really like men with short hair. Mine grew his long and I hate it, but it's really great when he cuts it after it has been long for a whileHe looks like a whole new guy-very sexy!

Men with long hair?

Well it depends.

If their hair is oily, greasy, and nappy DEFINITELY NOT.

But if they take care of their hair and it is shiny and healthy then I don't see a problem.

Men with long hair?

It depends on the guy. My boyfriend's hair is usually between his chin and his shoulder, and I think it looks good on him when he takes care of it. But I dont like guys in it's all in how you style it. His is like..a shaggyier Beatles cut.

Men with long hair?

In my religion, it's a sin for a man to cut his hair. Long hair on all people is a way of celebrating our connection to God. If we were trees, our hair would be the leaves.

Ever notice how so many Americans love to shear their trees, as well as their hair? The way men cut their hair in order to fit in with society is one of the single greatest signs of spiritual weakness and imbalance today.

Men with long hair?


Men with long hair?

Well, I have a pony tail that reaches down to the middle of my back.

It's not really a fashion statement. I just never really figured out what to do with my hair so I kind of gave up on it a couple of decades back. I always said I would cut it off when it began to look like a comb-over. However, thus far I have been blessed in that it seems to be staying put.

I have considered cutting it off lately. However, every time I ask my kids whether or not I should I get a resounding Nooooo!

Men with long hair?

Long hair on a guy is not attractive at all. I would not date someone with long hair.

Men with long hair?

nothing, now I'm waiting for my hair to grow longer.

Men with long hair?

It depends, some men look really hot others not so. A lot depends on personal grooming and keeping it trimmed and neat.

Men with long hair?

I like it, i'm kind of into the whole kurt cobain/nirvana grunge look.

Men with long hair?

sometimes I keep my hair kinda long and chicks dig it.

Men with long hair?

Well if you look like Fabio, then go for it. Personally I think it only looks appealing on very few men. I think a man should have his hair a reasonable length otherwise it detracts form his masculinity, unless he is 6 ft and over with a cut body. Also hair that long needs to be well groomed at all times or it looks shabby and gives a bad impression. Take a look at the Soaps. All the handsome actors have medium length hair that 's well styled. It's very difficult for a man to look handsome with all that long hair just hanging down his back.

Men with long hair?

As long as it isnt one length and it is taken care of properly. A shaggy cut looks best without looking weird. Most guys can't pull it off.

Men with long hair?

I dont like guys with long hair

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