Monday, May 7, 2012

Short or Long hair???

My face is shaped like Hillary Duff and I have the bone structure of Kierra Knightly. How should I get my hair done? Should I grow it out or cut it short? It is shoulder length now. Oh yeah, and it is straight. Thanks!

Short or Long hair???

Well, I was going to say get it shoulder length, but you already have that.... If you've noticed Hilary duffs shape is kind of long and Kierra Knightly has Amzing bones in her face, so I suggest leave it as it is length wise, but get side bangs and maybe curls at the ends of your hair so it goes upwards.


Short or Long hair???


Short or Long hair???

short, it is more fun, if ur face is thin, it makes ur hair lok very raty

Short or Long hair???


long is ALWAYS better

Short or Long hair???

not to long but maybe shoulder legnth

Short or Long hair???


Short or Long hair???


Short or Long hair???

try nd take a pic of it nd puit it on ere. that way people can c wat it looks lyyk. lol


Short or Long hair???

yeah I think you should go for the long or medium length hair cut.....

Short or Long hair???

Definitely short!

Short or Long hair???


Short or Long hair???

grow it long (long layers)

Short or Long hair???

no matter what go for the long hair. it always looks better on a woman.

Short or Long hair???

Short Hair!

I love it.... it is easy to take care of. Besides only the rare few can really pull it off.

Go for it! It's only hair... and you can always say,

"I had my hair super-short once".

Short or Long hair???

Medium length. If it gets really long or really short, It might look to severe for how you described yourself. So a cut just below your chin might look cute.

Short or Long hair???

grow it out it would really bring your face out like a picture frame and a picture you would look great!

Short or Long hair???

medium length withchoppy layers and piecey side bangs.

Short or Long hair???

Short.It looks cute and fun,also try layers.I have them and they are the best!!!!!

Short or Long hair???

long but you have to take care of it belive me i have long hair! Happy Holiday!

Short or Long hair???

I think you should grow it out faces like Hillary Duff look better with long hair. At least thats what I think but you asked! lol

Short or Long hair???


Short or Long hair???

Ether will do what your face structure the was you describe it.

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