Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

Okay first off my hair use to be down my back (half way) Then i cut it bout 1 year ago now i want it back. Its to my shoulders now. My grandmother is very upset at me because she loved my hair. Now im going to my dad side of the family and they haven't seen my hair cut any shampoos i can use any methods i can use i really need help. Im leaving in Dec for Christmas. Any thing that can help my hair grow some by then i will truely be thankful!!!!!!!!!!!!

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

Here's what you gotta do:

1. Get a vitamin E capsule (most of them comes in gel capsule form that has a liquid inside. Any brand will do.)

2. Get a needle and pop the capsule.

3. Now get your shampoo bottle and put the liquid vitamin E inside the bottle.

4. Mix the bottle.

5. Use your shampoo.

You'll notice that your hair will grow faster compared before. Trust me, this works. :) I also do this myself. :)

If you have virgin coconut oil at home, you can use this as well. Put it on hair and leave it for at least 30 minutes (You can do this at least 3x a day). Then rinse it off using your shampoo. The VCO can act as your hair lengthener and as your conditioner. :) Goodluck! :) (Refer to my avatar to see how well VCO/Vitamin E works =P)

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

NOPE.......nothing....get some glue in hair christmas your hair will grow 2 to 2 1/2 inches...but no more...thats nature for you and theres nothing you can do...

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

No, just get a wig

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

get a weave!!

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

i donated mine and it got cut shorter than i wanted or needed it to be, my suggestion is to get extensions. they work so well. just get the right color!

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

I think there is some shampoos that are out there to help your hair grow fast and also there is a vitiman call Hair, nails, and skin..It works too.

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

just let it grow out and youll be happy. im sure youll look beautiful!

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

The only thing you can do is brush your hair 100 strokes a day with a boar bristle bush to distribute the natural oils in your hails, and get 1/4 of an inch trimmed off every four weeks to prevnt breakage (which slows hair growth). If you want a quick fix you can get extensions, otherwise you'll just have to wait!

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

Ditto on the extensions. Also, take these, they work like a charm:

VITASTRAND available from

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

yea people say no no no b cuz they really dont knoe i knoe many hair stylist go to and also try massaging your scalp 3 times a day or more to help encrese blood flow wich causes it to grow and eat items high in protein. drink lots of water be HEALTHY and that helps your skin too. so try those on theres a place to click its hair growth shampoo hope that helps you with your hair delima...

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

Start taking daily multivitamins to start. I've also heard that if you brush your hair up to 100 times a day it will help it to grow faster. I've also heard that massaging the scalp helps. Both of these help stimulate blood flow around the root area.

If you want to order vitamins made especially to help hair growth, click on this link:

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

girl me too. unfortunately theres nothing that really works. just take care of it.

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

I used to have arms. I want them back, too.

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

be patient...

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

dunno but I really like long legs and long hair. I'd suggest taking prenatal vitamins, they help your hair and nails grow supposedly

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

two words.

hair extensions.

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

Start wig shopping my dear

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

there are shampoos, but they are so harmful to your hair, in the future it will get really bad, better to not use anything special, but trim it once in a while, so that the split ends dont stop your hair from growing. im sure you lok great with your hair short. i used to have hair longer than yours in 6th grade, and now im in 9th, and it's still not that long...but im growing it, and i think in the end of this year it will be that long.

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

well there isn't really anything that u can do about it now but u could eat fruit and stuff i heard that that works and u could also get those hair extentions things.

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

There is nothing to do but wait. Time will take care of the problem. But, that is the beauty of hair, at least it will grow back. Good luck.

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

Nope nothing. Why is your grandma upset at you. It's your hair! Not hers. Anyways I hear horse shampoo works. Or Biotin.

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

LEt your hair grow back out or Straighten it and it will make it look longer.

I use to have long hair now i want it back?

GNC has a supplement called "Nourishair" that makes the hair grow faster, you can read what's in it by googling it.

Also ProCaps labs sells a "hair skin and nails" formula that does the same thing, supports hair growth and health

If you take only Biotin alone, make sure you take at least 2.5 milligrams or 2500 micrograms [the same thing] a day because thats' a good amount to take. I use the Nourshair supplement from GNC now and my hair is growing faster than it did, but it took about 6 to 8 weeks of daily use to see results.

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