Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

I'm trying to go for something new and grow my hair out. Would appreciate any and all opinions.

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

hot and steamy, let me run my fingers thru it

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

Depends on the guy. Some guys (Like Sebastian Bach) look AMAZING with long hair, while other guys need their hair to be a certain length to look good.

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

NOT big nono

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

i think it depends on what type of hair you have. curly, thick hair, or even thicker hair period usually looks better in a buzz. but if you have a nice hair type and texture, grow it out. go for it and see what kind of feedback you get. you never know until you try.

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?


Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

Well it really depends on what u look like. So Im gonna say Not.

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

NOTTT!! please dont!

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?


Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

It depends on how the guy looks with long hair. Some guys look good and others not so good. It depeends on your face shape and the look of your face.

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

Sometimes its cute I think it all deopends on the guy the way he does it !! Make sure you don't become one of those guys who are severely obessed with their hair!! okay!! But I say go for it!!!

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

On some guys it looks great, but on most... they need to keep it short. Hope I helped!

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

well i would say it depends on your body and your face because I've seen HOT long hair guys and HOT short hair guys!

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

Only if you're really clean and buff and neat.

Scuzzy or skinny won't work near as well.

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

I love long hair, but not TOO long, like shoulders is too much as is for most girls. going for an "emo" style with side-swept hair is always hot but make sure you have the personality for it.

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

i think 'skater type hair' looks great on guys, but long 'pony tail type hair' does not.

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

The long kinda shaggy hair is alright..but hair so long its down to your chin or you can put it in a pony..BIG NO NO!

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

i like guys with longer hair but not like below the ear. like the skater type hair


i know its kinda a strange example but that all i could think of at the moment. hope i helpedd

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

It really does depend on the guy. What kind of hair they have, how they wear it. I was going to say that I like it best on slim guys, but then I thought of some heavier men that look good with it too. I think it mostly looks better on men who are pretty attractive and have even features, and who keep it well-groomed.

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

Totally sexy :)

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

men with long hair are gorgeous

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

Some guys can pull it off, but not all guys look good in it! i say go for it. cause if u dont like it, all you have to do is get it cut!

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

looks sloppy and feminine nonononono

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

not something past the chin(hot) , otherwise you look like a biker or a hippie (totally not hot)

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

long hair is revolting. when i see a guy with long hair i just want to gag. it makes the guy look like he forgot to get a haircut for a couple of years, and therefore makes them look lazy and sloppy. Very unattractive.

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

Depends on the guy. I like long hair, but not all men can pull it off. My bf would look silly if he tried growing out his hair.

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

If you wear a dress

Long hair on guys. Hot or not?


Long hair on guys. Hot or not?

How long? Shaggy hair: Hot

Long, long, long hair: Not!

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