Saturday, April 14, 2012

What can I do with my long bushy hair!!!?

My hair is so annoying!! It's so bushy, I would really like to get it cut. But I don't know how to get it styled. I want it layered but everytime i go to get it cut they never do it how I want them to. My hair is really long too, It's almost down to my wrist. Can anybody give me some clues on what to so with my hair?

What can I do with my long bushy hair!!!?

you should invest in a flat iron that will help take the frizz out and anti-frizz serums. i think you should also cut it. it will look and feel so much healthier

What can I do with my long bushy hair!!!?

I would suggest a light relaxer and a very good stylist...

Don't try to do this on your own...

What can I do with my long bushy hair!!!?

Cut it to your sholders

And get wispy layers init:)

What can I do with my long bushy hair!!!?

You should tell them that you want it straightin and to layer it it will look really good.

What can I do with my long bushy hair!!!?

It depends on your age. If you are under thirty then i suggest you either get side bangs, or bangs that go straight to your eyebrows. If you are older then get shoulder length with some layering and no bangs.

What can I do with my long bushy hair!!!?

my hair is that long and everyday i have an offer to go out people at my school love my hair you should love long hair just staighten it and mabey get highlights

What can I do with my long bushy hair!!!?

cut it your self thats what i do its soo annoying when u tell ppl how to do it and they do it wrong but practice on a doll or something first its pretty easy, layer it get some highlights and straighten it. then take some fizz cream or something from walmart or where ever and put that on after a shower, u can also use hair oil.

What can I do with my long bushy hair!!!?

One easy answer get a style straightener. All the boys will be comme'n

What can I do with my long bushy hair!!!?

Get it cut and get a straightening perm

What can I do with my long bushy hair!!!?

I have the same kind of hair and it can be a challenge finding a stylist who knows how to cut it. You may have to try several places before you find someone who knows what they are doing. If you want to keep a long style go for mid-back instead of to your waist. Have the stylist put in layers and use thinning shears (having your hair thinned will take out a lot of the weight). Also, I use a straightening iron and hair shine spray.

What can I do with my long bushy hair!!!?

to make it thinner get heaps of layers cut n thinned also with the fuzziness u shud get it permanently straightened then its see u bye crap hair

What can I do with my long bushy hair!!!?

Bring a picture to the salon. Then they'll know what u want. A good website with cute hair styles is

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