Friday, April 27, 2012

Long hair, weak hair?

My hair reaches my waist and they break so easily! I wash them often and use conditioner and mask as well. What's wrong?

Long hair, weak hair?

split ends get your hair trimmed every 3 months asp

Long hair, weak hair?

You could over condition your hair. I know if you use pantene a ton that can damage your hair. Some times it is best if you change different shampoo and conditioner. Also try a hot oil treatment here and there from a salon.

Long hair, weak hair?

mine is to my waist as well. i fought the same battle for years until i decided that i really do have to keep getting it trimmed in order to have healthy looking hair. even if it's 1/4 inch, it takes the breaks off. people with long healthy hair have put in a lot of work on it. there is a definite difference in long hair and healthy long hair. good luck with it

Long hair, weak hair?

mine reaches my waist too...well...don't dry it with your hair dryer...and try not to comb it very harsh...conditioner and mask are really good...u should try a leave-in product as well;try not to wash it more than 1-2 times a week and get it trimmed every 2-3 months...still, u can't prevent all of them from breaking...but this really helps

Long hair, weak hair?

maybe your hair is to long or maybe it might be if you streighten your hair it might fry or burn or maybe it is just to thin or thick if you said it is breacking maybe you have it in a poney tail when you sleep that is how it breacks (i think)

Long hair, weak hair?

Regualar trims , a really good conditioner and you can buy thickening shampoos.

Long hair, weak hair?

u r lucky - my hair only goes to my shoulders and then it breaks off. it is my own fault. i bleach my hair and hate going to hairdressers (had 3 bad experiences). so any way up - im having highlights (sorry low lights) soon and so i need to get rid of bleach and maybe one day it will grow again.

but thats enough about me......what about u.............

Long hair, weak hair?

get your ends cut.

Long hair, weak hair?

you have got split ends go to a hairdresser.

Long hair, weak hair?

use the childrens shampoos (gental less chimicals)

same type conditioner

wash hair twice a week

believe me i know my partner can sit on hers

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