Saturday, April 14, 2012

How do I blow dry my long, layered hair?

I have long layered hair, a little longer than halfway down my back. It stays fairly frizz-free for most of the day but I would like to learn how to blow dry it for occassions when I go out.

What tools do I need and what techniques should I use. I have never blowdried my hair before, and it is no colored...


How do I blow dry my long, layered hair?

First wash and condition, towel dry, then apply a thermal protectant (like a leave in conditioner) them comb out with a with tooth comb. If you want volume turn your head up-side down and run the brush and the dryer over your hair starting in the middle and working out until its dry. If you just want it straight and smooth, part hair in 4 sections and begin drying hair startin from the nape until finished.IMPORTANT: use a round vented ceramic brush with natural bristles and a good blow dryer. To finish add a little gloss spray for shine.

How do I blow dry my long, layered hair?

towel dry ur hair so it's not soaked and then blow dry it (conair i t hink is the best blow dryer) if u want it straiter use a brush like ur brushing ur hair but if u brush ur hair when ur blow drying it'll get straiter

good lick

How do I blow dry my long, layered hair?

turn ur head upside down, start @ the scalp using ur fingers, pull them thru ur hair keeping the blow dryer along with it oh %26amp; use a cool setting. this will give u body %26amp; shine its a long enough process but it works i know my hair is down to my butt %26amp; layers also. hope this helps

How do I blow dry my long, layered hair?

use a diffuser i have ultra thick frizzy hair and they work really well

with a defuse you don't have a direct air flow its will evenly dry your hair with out it getting frizzy. If you go to a store like Sally's or something they sell diffusers that just attach to the nozzle of your hair dryer

Good Luck

How do I blow dry my long, layered hair?

Start by flipping your head upside down ( gives your hair fullness) and blow dry for a couple of minutes upside down. Then flip your head back up and section your hair off starting underneath closest to your neck and blow dry root to tip using a round brush or a paddle brush helps to smooth the hair out. Once that section is mostly dry move up to the next one and continue all the way to the top of your head. Then flip your head upsode down again and finish drying that way. Just dont use really high heat or you will fry your hair. If you have a blow dryer that has cool air try to use it - alternating between cool and warm works best for me. It is also a good idea to use a heat protectant gel on your hair before blow drying.

How do I blow dry my long, layered hair?

apply a little bit of straightening cream(Loreal "Studio Hot Straight" works well) to protect from heat damage and to prevent frizz. divide your hair into 4 sections and move the brush and blow-dryer vertically, directing airflow down the hair shaft. continue from section to sextion until all sextions are dry and smooth(if you have a straightener, run that through afterwards for extra shine and smoothness) hope that helped :)

How do I blow dry my long, layered hair?

Well, first blow dry your hair, buy a anti frizz cream. Then when you are done blow drying it go over it with a flat iron just before you hit your hair ends, so you will still have that blow dried effect. Using the flat iron will lock the hair so it could be straight and managable.

How do I blow dry my long, layered hair?

yeah all you have to do s take one layer at a time, get a brush, hold it up and slide you blow dryer down and it will loook rrealllly cute.

ps. your sooo lucky your hair doesnt frizz alot! haha

pss. good luck!!

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