Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

Curly long and brown? Short and blonde? I want to know what teenage guys find more attractive on a girl, and WHY...

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

Many guys have told me they like the look of long hair better on a girl. It makes them look more like a woman and not a man, plus the fact some like to run their fingers through long hair.

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

long hair im dying to have long hair

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

For some reason I like long hair it to me can just make the girl look much better

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

i'm a girl but i feel attractive when i have my hair long and streight and my friend thats a boy ;) says he likes it like that

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

it doesent matter boys dont care about looks

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

it depends on their preference, and how the girl wears it. If you look good with either or, then guys will like you that way.

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?





Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

To a teenage guy hair is the last thing a teenager thinks about. Hair styles is a girl thing.

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

My guess is that you're going to look most attractive to guys in whatever hairstyle you feel looks most attractive on you. Confidence is one of the most attractive things out there.

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

for some reason i like girls with short hair, to me they look more sexier.

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

Short hair and long hair! It depends on face shape, length of neck, etc. Each is attractive on the appropriate face.

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

Definately long hair! :):)

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

It really depends on you face shape and body. Go to a professional and look through books with them. You'll look hot either way if it's a haircut that's perfect for you.

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

middle length, not too long. straight, and brunette

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

I would say it all depends on who is looking. Some like straight, some curls, some short and so on. If you like/love someone, it doesn't matter if the hair is long or short or bald. Love crosses all barriers, so why worry? If he loves you, he'll love anything and everything of and on you.

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

i guess it is not simply the length of th hair. it is something more complicated than that. first, you have to consider your facial structure. there are hairstyles that fit each facial shape. if you want long hair, there are certain "cuts" that can frame and highlight your best facial features, and yes, there are those which can make you look worse. next, there is also the color. when you do color, there are colors or high lights than can do more harm than good. does it complement your eyes or your skin tone? i've personally have always thought that blonde hair and truly bronz (read: "well done") skin is too tacky and quite an awkward pair.

in any case, above all these, to be attractive means your are comfortable with yourself and you are confident of not only how you look but how your carry yourself, your total person.

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

My 17yo son says long hair....for boys and girls...LOL He just had to cut his because he didn't abide by the rules set by his parents....His last three girlfriends have all had long hair. I am not looking forward to three more this next year. We moved, other people move...can everyone just stop! Naw, go ahead keep moving....I don't want him to get too serious yet!

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

for me it's long hair....:)

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?


Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

depends on what tipe of hair you have strate=long wayvie=short and curly=long

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

OK, most guys I know love long hair.... Its just very attractive, its what they say...... but mostly its up to you, if your confident in what you where or how you dress most guys will except you for it....

Short hair or long hair? Which is more attractive?

for curly hair middel not short and not long ......... bcz long hair is good for soft hairs

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