Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

just wondering, and if long, how long?

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

i think most guys will say long. that's what i seem to hear from most guys i've talked to. i think a little past the shoulder

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

It depends on the face shape, on most girls, long/medium. Not too long, like the middle of the back is long enough. But, above the chin, I think, is too short. Good luck. :)

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

Long, Mid back

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

long, red, curly

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

I imagine long.

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

Long hair is beautiful and sexy. Short hair makes you look like a boy. Long hair also makes you look younger if you are old. The longer the better.

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

Depends on how the rest of you looks.

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

Long !

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

all depends on what the girl looks like. some girls can get away fine with the short hair.

your welcome

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

well depends on how they look, certain girls look good with long hair and bad with short hair, etc. So ask ur best friend which ones good for u

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

well, I am a girl and I have a bob right now, like the one Victoria beckham has, and it looks really pretty on me.

It all depends on the face in my opinion.

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

how about bold. that would be nice

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

it matters some girls look better in short and some in long hair

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

Long hair like shoulder length or longer.

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

Long,flowing down the back

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

Long hair. The longer the better; I like to run my fingers through it and smell it after she takes a shower.

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?


Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

too long is too long

sum o u bitches need to CUT IT OFF

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

I think guys like their girls to be more "feminine".

Right now, the media is incorporating that pretty females have long hair (Not always though!).

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

most guys will say long hair i think :)

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

Long hair,About the middle of their back is good definitely below the shoulders.

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?


as long as it's not too short, but not too long

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

long ,just below the shoulders....

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

LONG!!!!!! NO TO BUTCH.......

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

long (Past shoulder) but it depends on the girl

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

Anything mid-neck to mid-back is good!

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

LONG HAIR!! I love the smell of long hair in the morning.....smells like........victory.

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

oooooh LONG. long is really nice on a girl. for me i like waist lenght, but thats just me. im trying to grow my hair out really long............YAY ME. lol. well i guess it working.....

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

It doesn't matter if she's hot.

I was very partial to extremely long straight haired girls.

I still like that, but don't go ga ga anymore.

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

i love long hair on a girl the length of her lower back

Hey, guys! Long hair or short hair on a girl?

i think it really depends on the girl. i would say mostly medium shoulder length on most women, but only some girls can really pull off a short cut.

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